Hepatic Emergencies from FOAMcast

Today I am handing over the podcast to FOAMcast by Drs. Lauren Westafer and Jeremy Faust.  A little more than a month ago, Dr. Nick Genes challenged twitter to create core content FOAM for hepatic emergencies.  Lauren and Jeremy did an excellent episode on this topic on FOAMcast so here it is- re-broadcasted on EM Basic.  They’ll review common hepatic emergencies and their managementi in the ED and point you in the right direction to learn even more on this topic.  I haven’t edited their episode at all- it’s all Lauren and Jeremy’s episode.  If you like what you hear, go to foamcast.org or look for FOAMcast on iTunes.

FOAMcast by Drs. Lauren Westafer and Jeremy Faust

Hepatic Emergencies Podcast from FOAMcast

Hepatic Emergencies Show Notes (Word)

Hepatic Emergencies (PDF)

Airway Update Screencast

Today is the third anniversary of the EM Basic podcast.  To celebrate this milestone, this is a screencast titled “Airway Update”.  I first prepared this lecture about two years ago for a conference but the topics are still relevant today.  This will be most useful for medical students and EM interns who may not have been exposed to these airway topics.  This screencast will help catch you up on what we have been talking about over the last two years on social media and FOAMed.  We’ll review apenic oxygenation, delayed sequence intubation, how to effectively use ketamine in your practice, awake cricothyrotomy, and more.

Thank you to everyone for your support of the podcast.  When I started I could have never dreamed EM Basic would be as successful as it is.

Airway Update Screencast

Airway Update Screencast Show Notes (Word Format)

Airway Update Screencast Show Notes (PDF)

First- read this paper

Preoxygenation and Prevention of Desaturation During Emergency Airway Management

Web link (free full text)


Resources mentioned during the podcast:

EMCrit on Apenic Oxygenation and Preoxygenation

ERcast screencast on Apenic Oxygenation and Preoxygenation

EMCrit on Delayed Sequence Intubation (DSI)

Bougie Aided Cric from Dr. Darren Braude (video)

Airway lessons from skydiving in Annals of EM (paid access)

Awake Cricothyrotomy Case Report (free full text PDF)

The Airway “Double Setup” from emupdates.com

The Usual State of Readiness (Being Prepared) from emupdates.com

Pediatric RSI video review (Free full text)

Pediatric Critical Procedures (PubMed)

Glidescope vs. Macintosh laryngoscope for foreign body removal (PubMed)

DL vs. VL by Richard Levitan in Annals of EM (paid access)

The Carroll Emergency Treatment Algorithm (CETA)

Carroll Emergency Treatment Algorithm (CETA)

Salicylate Overdose

Today’s episode is another installment for the EM Basic Project by Dr. Andrea Sarchi. Salicylate overdose is a toxidrome that we have to be on the lookout for in the ED. While some cases are obvious because the patient or EMS can tell us what they took, some cases are subtle and require vigilance to make the diagnosis. In this episode we’ll review the important history and physical points, how to order the right tests, manage the toxicity, and properly disposition the patient.

Salicylate Overdose Podcast

Salicylate Overdose Show Notes (Word Format)

Salicylate Overdose Show Notes (PDF)

Another pitch for the EM Basic Project. I am now opening up submissions from 4th year medical students, EM interns, and EM junior residents. The only requirement is that you work with an attending at your institution to develop your script or podcast. If you want information- check out the EM Basic Project Submission Guidelines.

Sunday July 27th, 2014 will be the 3rd anniversary of the podcast. I will be releasing a special episode sometime during that week in a brand new format. Stay tuned!

Acetaminophen overdose

Today’s episode talks about the diagnosis and management of Acetaminophen overdose.  This is another addition to the EM Basic Project written by Dr. Andrea Sarchi.

We encounter acetaminophen overdose frequently in the ED and we need to be on the look out for this because patients can be completely asymptomatic.  If we don’t catch it, acetaminophen overdose can result in liver failure requiring transplant or even death unless we interevene early.  This episode will review how to properly workup a patient with a known or suspected acetaminophen overdose, what tests to order, and how to decide who needs antidote therapy.

Acetaminophen overdose podcast

Acetaminophen Overdose Show Notes (Word Format)

Acetaminophen Overdose Show Notes (PDF)

Mentioned in the podcast:

FOAMcast– a new project by Drs. Lauren Westafer and Jeremy Faust to review the core content behind current FOAMed blog posts and podcasts.  Available on iTunes

Rumack-Matthew Nomogram (to determine when to use NAC)


NAC Protocol:

72-hour PO protocol – loading dose 140 mg/kg PO, then 70 mg/kg PO every 4 hrs for 17 total doses

21-hour IV protocol – loading dose 150 mg/kg over 1 hr, then 4-hr infusion of 12.5mg/kg/hr, then 16-hr infusion at 6.25 mg/kg/hr



In today’s episode we are going to talk about documentation in the ED.  It is very important that we are complete but concise in our documentation in order to provide an accurate record for the patient’s ED patient to protect them and ourselves from problems down the road.  Good documentation is good patient care so we need to know how to do this efficiently.  We will review each part of the chart starting with the triage note and ending how to give good discharge instructions.  We’ll also review some tips and tricks of the trade regarding abbreviations that will make your charting faster, how to document interactions with our consultants, and even what to do when you have to document a difficult situation with a consultant.

Documentation podcast

Documentation episode (Word Format)

Documentation episode (PDF)