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North American Snake Bites by Dr. David Hansen

Today’s episode will discuss North American poisonous reptile bites with a focus on snake bites.  This episode was written and recorded by Dr. David Hansen, an active duty physician with the US Army.  It will review common presentations of snake bites, the relevant history and exam findings, the labs to order, how to decide when to use anti-venom and properly administer it.  There is also a bonus section on how to avoid snake bites in the wilderness and what to do if you are bitten by a poisonous snake.

North American Snake Bites by Dr. David Hansen

Check out our bandwidth sponsor, EB medicine. They have a review of north American snake and scorpion bites from September 2006 available for free and another issue from May 2007 from Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice, also available for free.  Residents can get free access to all their great resources by going to the ebmedicine EM Basic page at ebmedicine.net/embasic and attendings can get a discount on their products that offer CME.


This episode is on hyperthermia- just in time for the warmer weather.  However, hyperthermia has many different causes so this episode will review them all.  Dr. Andrea Sarchi wrote this script which was recorded by Jacob Schriner, MS-3 at Emory University School of Medicine.  This episode will review the necessary history and physical exam findings, ordering the right labs and tests, and how to treat this condition to ensure the best patient outcomes.

Hyperthermia Podcast

Hyperthermia Show Notes (Word Format)

Hyperthermia Show Notes (PDF)

Be sure to check out our bandwidth sponsor EB Medicine.  They have a review of heat emergencies in the ED from August 2014.  Residents can get free access and attendings can get a discount on all their great CME products at the EM Basic EB Medicine page.

Thyroid Emergencies by Dr. Patrick Ng

Today’s episode is a quick review of Thyroid emergencies by Dr. Patrick Ng, a 3rd year EM resident in San Antonio, recorded by Jacob Schriner MS-3.  Thyroid emergencies can be difficult to recognize in the ED because they present in so many different ways.  Today’s episode will review how to recognize these emergencies, order the right tests, and provide the correct critical treatments.

Thyroid Emergencies

Thyroid Emergencies Show Notes (Word Format)

Thyroid Emergencies Show Notes (PDF)


EmCrit on Thyroid Storm Critical Care

Check out out bandwidth sponsor EB Medicine.  They have a free issue on Thyroid Emergencies that you can download here.  Residents can get free access and EM attendings can get a discount at the EM Basic page on EB Medicine.

Sepsis 3.0

This episode is a total revamp of the previous episode on sepsis.  If you go back to the original post on Sepsis, you’ll also find it replaced as well with this new episode.

A lot has changed with sepsis management since I published the sepsis episode in February 2012 so it was time for a complete overhaul.  The new sepsis guidelines have been out for about a year and I finally got around to updating the episode.  The new Surviving Sepsis Guidelines also just came out in a few months ago and those recommendations are included as well.  This episode will discuss the recognition of sepsis, how to do a good physical exam and ask the right history questions, order the right tests, and aggressively resuscitate these very sick patients.

There is also a separate episode that discusses the old sepsis definitions and how you can use that framework to recognize sepsis.

Sepsis 3.0 podcast

Old Sepsis definitions podcast (mini-episode)

Sepsis 3.0 March 2017 Show Notes (Word Format)

Sepsis 3.0 Updated March 2017 Show Notes (PDF)


Links mentioned during the show:


The original Rivers Trial

Rivers Early Goal Directed Therapy for Sepsis Original Study (Free access)

EM Basic Essential Evidence Episode on the Rivers Trial


Primary Literature- Free Open Access

New Sepsis Definitions (2016)

New Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines (Published January 2017)


Blogs/podcasts discussing the new Sepsis Guidelines

EmCrit on New Sepsis Definitions (2016)

FOAMcast on the New Sepsis Definitions (2016)

FOAMcast on the New Surviving Sepsis Guidelines (2017)

Practical Evidence (EmCrit with Jeremy Faust) on the New Surviving Sepsis Guidelines (2017)

PulmCrit/EmCrit on the Surviving Sepsis “Myths” (2017)


Ashley Shreeves on Palliative Care in the ED (amazing talks- a must listen)

-Emcrit (Talking with families)

-Emcrit (Nuts and bolts of Critical Care Palliation)

-SMACC Chicago

-SMACC Dublin


ARISE, PROMISE, and PROCESS Trial Analyses

Emcrit on ARISE

The Bottom Line on PROMISE



Fluid Tolerance

EmCrit on Fluid Tolerance/Fluid Responsiveness

The Ultrasound Podcast with lots of episodes on Fluid Responsiveness


Peripheral Pressor Safety and Extravasation

EmCrit on Vasopressor Extravasation

PulmCrit on Safety of Peripheral Pressors


Intubation in Sepsis- low dose sedatives, high dose paralytics

EmCrit on Intubating Shocked Patients


Note: If there are any other good resources out there that you think should be included, email me at steve@embasic.org and I’ll include them.


Don’t forget about our bandwidth sponsor, EB Medicine.  Check out there numerous resources on ED sepsis care and critical care as well.  Residents can get free access and attendings can get a discount at the EM Basic EB Medicine page.

Croup by Stewart Harsant and Taylor Fischer, PA-Cs

Today’s episode is on Croup- just in time for the middle of the croup season.  Your ED may even be filled with kids with a barking cough as we speak.  Today’s episode was written by Taylor Fischer and Stewart Harsant, two physician assistants who have done an excellent job of summarizing this common pediatric disease process.  This episode will review the diagnosis of croup, how to risk stratify kids with croup, and how to treat and disposition them properly.  Most of the time, kids with croup do just fine with a little cold night air and some steroids but this episode will also help you figure out which kids are sicker and need much more attention and care.

Croup podcast

Croup Show Notes (Word Format)

Croup Show Notes (PDF)

Please visit our bandwidth sponsor EB Medicine.  They even have a review of Croup on their website- you can download a free copy here.  Residents can get free access while attendings can get a great discount at the EB Medicine EM Basic page.