Essential Evidence #8 – The PERC rule

Today’s Essential Evidence Episode discusses the paper that derived and validated the PE Rule-out Criteria or PERC rule.  This is a clinical decision aid that we can use to reliably exclude pulmonary embolism in emergency department patients without any further testing.  We’ll talk about some background on diagnosing PE in the ED, the study design, how to use the PERC rule in your everyday practice, and some clinical pearls as well.

Essential Evidence #8- The PERC Rule

The PERC study- free full text

Links to studies mentioned in the podcast

ACEP Clinical Policy on PE diagnosis in the ED

Kahbrel, et al- accuracy of PE diagnosis in different years of training

Other podcasts on PE (not an exhaustive list!)

Jeff Kine (1st author on PERC) on PE in pregnancy from ERcast

Jeff Kline- D-dimer cut-offs from ERcast

EmCrit on PE workup

Jeff Kline on EmCrit- fibrinolysis in PE