
This is a topic podcast on sepsis. This is a hot topic in emergency medicine and we are usually the front line in the fight against sepsis. Ever since the Rivers sepsis article emergency department physicians, nurses, techs, and even prehospital providers have played a much larger role in instituting early aggressive therapy for patients with sepsis. This podcast will go over the basics of sepsis (you may be surprised to know that a patient with strep pharyngitis and  fever technically meets criteria for sepsis) and reviews the basics of how to aggressively treat severe sepsis and septic shock.

UPDATE MARCH 2017: If you are reading this post, there is a new episode on the updated Sepsis Guidelines- you can see it here.  I’ll keep this up but there won’t be a link to the previous sepsis podcast because it is out of date

Link to the Sepsis update (goes live on March 6th, 2017): Sepsis 3.0 update

Before you go any further, if you haven’t read this article already, take a few minutes and read the original Rivers sepsis article form the New England Journal of Medicine that changed the game in regards to Emergency Department management of sepsis.  Here is the full text link (free access):

Rivers NEJM sepsis study

Check out the latest guidelines and literature on sepsis at the Surviving Sepsis campaign website

Also mentioned in the podcast is a new trauma blog that I’ve started following.  It’s called the Trauma Professionals blog and it is written by Dr. Michael McGonigal, a trauma surgeon in Minnesota.  Each post goes through a trauma topic with supporting primary literature.  If you are looking to expand your knowledge on advanced trauma topics, this is the blog to go to.

The Trauma Professional’s Blog

Sepsis show notes (Word format)

Sepsis show notes (PDF format)

(These are obviously out of date but I figured I would keep them if anyone was interested)
